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I Hsvr My Tclose License I Worked for 9 Yrs and Worked It Since but Continued My Classes

A college or university that "gives" credit hours for TCLEOSE training hours is most likely not following the rules for evaluating courses prior to the giving the credit. A 8 hr, 32 hr or 40 hr TCLEOSE training course is not the same as a college level for credit course. There is no testing, papers written nor any final exams. It is just not the same. I was not going to mention Mountain State University by name, but now that it has been brought up that was the University that we were talking about. I know that some people will be upset, but if they were to contact Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and specifically ask if this is acceptable way of gaining credit hours I would bet that they would say no. I wouldn't do it just because I let sleeping dogs lay.

There are officers that have received degrees from MSU who are getting certificate pay, remember you get your Master PO faster with more education, and extra pay for degrees that were obtained by circumventing the system. I have heard that MSU is not doing this any more and if they are not, then why not? If they are, then why don't all of the universities have this as a policy? Call the University of Houston Downtown and see if they will give you credit towards a degree in Criminal Justice with TCLEOSE courses. If they do, please let me know, because I should qualify for a Ph.D.

There are some TCLEOSE classes that I have been to that the 40 hour class was really about 10 hours worth of instruction combined with 2 hour lunch breaks, long coffee breaks and leaving to go home early. So how many college credit hours should we receive for TCLEOSE classes? One credit for every 40 hours of class? Do classes with tests get more credit hours? Have you ever seen anyone "fail" a TCLEOSE class?

A few years ago there was a scandal where a number of high school teachers had obtained degrees from some questionable colleges. They used these "degrees" to get higher pay from their schools. Someone found out and, if I recall correctly, they lost their jobs, teaching certificates and some were indicted.

What does the officer do when he is called into court and the defense attorney asks about his education from MSU? What courses he took, grades he made, transfer credits, etc? Or when does Wayne Dolcefino decide to do a "story" on getting extra pay based on questionable college credit? There will be some red faces around Houston AND it raises the issue to the public about the money being spent on degree and certificate pay. Especially places like Houston where the non emergency departments are being required to have non paid days off for budget reasons. Should officer "X" get certificate pay or degree pay based upon a questionable degree when "Joe Blow" in the Public Works Department has to take a couple of days off a month because of budget shortfalls?

If you want to get a degree from a "university" that allows the use of TCLEOSE credits as credit hours feel free, but do so with these caveats:

(1) Make sure they are accredited with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
(2) Realize that this practice by the school is questionable.
(3) There is a possibility that in the future you may have "issues" with this degree.

What sometimes looks like the "easy" way of getting more money is not worth it in the long run. It is your life and you have to live with your decisions. I truly hope it works out well for you no matter what "course" in life you take.


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